Saturday, May 23, 2009


Hey ya'll - just wanted to share with you the great news!! My new blog is up and running! Yay! Unfortunately, that means this one is history! So sorry,but come on over to my new blog site -you'll see a BIG CHANGE and you can follow me there now!! so book mark me now!!

Hurry go now to------ (besure to copy this link in your web browser and press enter and you're there!

Don't miss it!! and stay up-to-date with what's going on with Simply Elegant Photography and as always, please feel free to leave feedback and comments!

So, go, go, go! Check out the new blog! Enjoy!

C-ya on my new site!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Well I must admit - it's been a while since I've done some blogging! well I've been extremely busy with my FT job - we have relocated and moved into our new beautiful building, movin sure isn't fun! but between wedding events, softball games, cheerleading practice, SEPPA Convention in Athens, Ga and Relay for Life - MAN - my calendar has been busy as a bee!

Well I will make an announcement - 1) I'm getting a new website!! I'm just about ready to start rolling it out very soon. I've been working on this for a couple of weeks and I'm gettin really excited. Soon you'll be able to see yeap - that'll be by baby.. I can't wait to get it up and running and soon - I'll be getting new equipment in - look to get that Mini TT1 & Flex TT5 - plus new studio equipment coming soon! Oh the joys of growing with your business is so exciting. I can't wait for the new things that are coming around for me and my family. Not to mention - I'm growing with the wedding photography too! I'm getting so excited!!!